dare for change

eatdrinksleep fights against physical, emotional & sexual abuse

Visit Angela Shelton


Falconbridge Foundation

We aim to help build capacity in our host communities. In the true spirit of sustainable development, we strive to assist the communities where we operate to create their own growth opportunities, protect their identities and values, and preserve their environment. 


Website: trustfortheamericas.org


Fundación Agricultura y Medio Ambiente (FAMA)

FAMA has worked since 1995 to promote alternatives to the use of agrochemicals. Main target groups are small-scale farmers in the Dominican Republic’s dry south. The main objective is the sustainable use of natural resources to improve environmental conditions and quality of life. Among other activities, FAMA helped form a committee on organic agriculture within the Dominican Agribusiness Council to educate large commercial farms about the benefits of sustainable agriculture.

Calle Leonor Feltz No 40, Mirador Sur
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Tel/Fax: (809) 482-0561

E-mail: fama@codetel.net.do
Contact: Dr. Andrea Brechelt, Executive Director


Center for Conservation and Eco-Development of Samaná and its Environs

Website: www.samana.org.do

Punta Cana Ecological Foundation

Phone: 809-959-9221
F: 809-959-8483

E-mail: fepc@puntacana.com


The Nature Conservancy

Jacinto Mañon with Federico Geraldino

Plaza D’Roca, 4th floor, apartment #401

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


E-mail: infoDRprogram@tnc.org
Website: www.nature.org