Take one look at this restaurant and you know right away that whoever is running the place means business; the solid structure in ramshackle Pueblo de Los Pescadores (Fishermen’s Village) presents a resounding statement that the newest place in town is here to stay.
Inside, the décor takes on a yachting theme, including unstained deck floors and teak furniture with sailcloth-covered cushions. The sexy lighting and international music add a contemporary flair.
At the helm is Capítan Sergí Blanch, a Basque and longtime Las Terrenas resident with a knack for the business (he’s owned or inspired 31 additional bars and restaurants).
The creative menu features eleven appetizers and twenty-one entrees. Highly recommended: the rabbit in dried fruit followed by the tuna in nori tempura served with a carrot and potato puree. Then let Sergi talk you into one of his desserts such as the chocolate wedge topped with coconut and vanilla ice cream or the sensational baked pineapple.
(Photos: Katie Kötting)